To keep constant remembrance of holy prophet alive, Imam Khomeini set in his room a portrait which had been attributed to holy prophet of Islam, Hassan Khomeini wrote.
Regardless of the portrait's authenticity or inauthenticity, this was done by Imam to Keep the honorable prophet’s memory alive and adopt all of his divine virtues and moral excellence, he noted.
Imam Khomeini once in a historic message on the occasion of Mab’ath said as following:
I must say that the day Muhammad was vested with Prophethood remains glorious and most distinguished in the annals of history from the first beam of light till the doomsday eternally. There is no other day superior to this.
The reason is that there is no event greater than this. Great many things of great importance have occurred in the world; for instance, coming of the Prophets and the advent of the Prophets of greater fame and record are of much importance and due note. But there is no event, no occurrence greater than Muhammad’s taking office of the Prophethood and becoming the last Prophet to the world. As such, no fancy can frame an event greater because there is no one greater than the Prophet except God. This is the sending of a last Prophet, a seal of the Prophets, to the world.
( Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol.12, page 359)