Justice is all virtues and middle way, Imam Khomeini defined

Justice is all virtues and middle way, Imam Khomeini defined

Imam Khomeini through his works and historic speeches defined that Justice is all virtues and middle way between the two extremes.

Friday, March 13, 2020 10:50

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   Imam Khomeini defined sphere of  sublime world, purification of soul

Imam Khomeini defined sphere of sublime world, purification of soul

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works undertook serious discussions over the purification of soul and the self.

Friday, February 21, 2020 08:22

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40 days ago, US killed a man who first rushed to Iraq’s aid against Daesh

40 days ago, US killed a man who first rushed to Iraq’s aid against Daesh

Iranians are marking the 40th day since the United States assassinated Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq, where he was seen as the driving force behind over four years of battles that led to the collapse of Daesh, the world’s most notorious terror group.

Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:47

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Iran set to host International Conference on Palestinian Resistance

Iran set to host International Conference on Palestinian Resistance

The World Assembly of Islamic Awakening plans to hold an international conference on resistance of the Palestinian nation early next year.

Monday, November 04, 2019 04:58

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Mustafa Khomeini Raised Awareness about Islamic Revolution

Mustafa Khomeini Raised Awareness about Islamic Revolution

His eminence Mustafa Khomeini the son of the founder of the Islamic Republic played a decisive role to raise awareness and highlight various perspectives of the Islamic Revolution among the academics and masses.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019 11:39

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Imam founded divine-oriented rule

Imam founded divine-oriented rule

Faez Mostafa – the judicature's lawyer, a member of the board of the politics of the republic of Sri Lanka

Wednesday, October 09, 2019 11:05

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