Believer never backbites, never slanders others, Imam Khomeini explained

Believer never backbites, never slanders others, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that a faithful person never backbites, never slanders others, and he is never vengeful or envious of his brothers in faith.

Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:40

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Imam Khomeini warned against denial of  existence of a supernatural world

Imam Khomeini warned against denial of existence of a supernatural world

Imam Khomeini has explained that from the manners of some and their way of living it is obvious that they do not even consider the existence of a supernatural world to be possible.

Thursday, September 14, 2023 08:26

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Imam explains about ignorance and absence of knowledge

Imam explains about ignorance and absence of knowledge

Imam Khomeini explains through his theological works that one of kind of kibr signifies the extreme of ignorance and the absence of knowledge about one’s limits and the majesty of the Necessary Being. As to the kibr towards the prophets and awliya’ of God, it was an attitude, which was more prevalent during their own days.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 01:01

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God Almighty disowns the envious person , Imam Khomeini explained

God Almighty disowns the envious person , Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini explained through his theological works that It is mentioned in sahih ahadith that envy devours faith and is baleful to it, and that God Almighty disowns the envious person and would have nothing to do with him.

Sunday, September 03, 2023 07:19

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Beware of the aftermath of your deeds, Imam Khomeini advised

Beware of the aftermath of your deeds, Imam Khomeini advised

Imam Khomeini advised through his theological works advised believers fear God! Beware of the aftermath of your deeds! Wake up from the sleep of negligence!

Saturday, September 02, 2023 10:24

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God the Almighty is the turner of the hearts, Imam Khomeini explained

God the Almighty is the turner of the hearts, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that if you take steps for the sake of God, God the Almighty is the turner of the hearts: He will turn hearts in favor for you.

Saturday, September 02, 2023 10:18

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This world`s glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love, Imam Khomeini

This world's glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love, Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini has explained through his theological works that this world, with all its superficial splendor and glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love.

Saturday, September 02, 2023 10:06

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Imam Khomeini explained numerous causes of jealousy and moral decline

Imam Khomeini explained numerous causes of jealousy and moral decline

Imam Khomeini explains that there are numerous causes of hasad, and the main among them, as opposed to kibr, are products of a feeling of one’s inferiority.

Saturday, September 02, 2023 08:57

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