Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

Gorbachev and Imam Khomeini

Gorbachev: “I’m sorry! I should have listened to Imam’s message”

In 1999, on the anniversary of the death of Imam Khomeini’s demise, in an interview with the IRIB News Agency in Moscow, Gorbachev regretted ignoring the Imam’s warnings three years before the collapse of the Soviet Union and said: “I think Imam Khomeini’s message addressed all the ages throughout history.” He also added: “When I received this message, I felt the person who wrote it was thoughtful and cared about the situation of the world. By studying the letter, I realized that he was someone who was worried about the world and wanted me to understand more about the Islamic revolution.”

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 09:37

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The Imam’s prediction that Communism will fall

The Imam’s historical message to Mikhail Gorbachev

The Imam’s prediction that Communism will fall

In 1989, Imam Khomeini sent a message to Gorbachev inviting him to accept Islam and warning him of the fall of the Soviet Union and the Communist way of thought. The Imam talked of the inability of fulfilling spiritual needs by material things.

Sunday, January 01, 2012 03:00

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Hezbollah got its foundations from Iranian Intellectuals

Sheikh Na’im Qasim’s views regarding Hezbollah

Hezbollah got its foundations from Iranian Intellectuals

Sheikh Na’im Qasim, who is the deputy head of Hezbollah, attended the Martyr Motahhari Book Reading Competition. In this competition he delivered a speech regarding the high status of Martyr Motahhari and added: “Hezbollah’s foundations are based on the thoughts of the Imam, Martyr Beheshti, Martyr Sadr and Martyr Motahhari.”

Saturday, December 24, 2011 03:37

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The ‘Imam Khomeini’s views’ conference

A local conference held in Gilan

The ‘Imam Khomeini’s views’ conference

Hujjat Allah Taqavi announced that a conference would be held on the 17th of December in Gilan. Taqavi is the head of this cultural and research conference, which is to do with the social, political and cultural views of Imam Khomeini.

Friday, December 16, 2011 02:04

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The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The true aim of the Master of Martyrs (as)

The society at the time of Imam Hussein (as) was in such as state that, the holy Imam (as) was forced to take a strong stand and endure great tragedies to save the TRUE Islam. The ceremonies and other acts of mourning we carry out and hold are not only to achieve merits but rather to remember the message of pure Islam and keep it alive.

Monday, December 12, 2011 03:11

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The head Hezbollah held Imam Khomeini as his role model

Imam Khomeini, a role model

The head Hezbollah held Imam Khomeini as his role model

Sheikh Ali Reza Biniyaaz describes the personality of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and his many great characteristics. He points outs that the success of Hezbollah is due to the fact that they followed the Imam’s ideals and ways.

Monday, December 05, 2011 11:04

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Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama` to uprising

Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama' to uprising

The leader of the Iranian revolution issued a statement, which showed his opposition to the Capitulation Bill in 1964. This statement lead to the removal and nullification of this bill . Excerpts of this message is as follows: Now the American military and non-military advisers, their families and their servants are free to commit any crime and the Iranian police do not have the right to arrest them. The Iranian courts are not qualified to judge over them; Why? Because America is the country of dollars and Iran needs those dollars! According to this shameful enactment, if an American adviser or the servant of an American adviser insults or offends against one of the maraji` at-taqlid of Iran, one of the esteemed people, one of the high-ranking officers, the police are not allowed to arrest him; the courts are not allowed to judge him. But if their dogs are offended, the police have to interfere and the court should investigate!

Thursday, November 24, 2011 03:27

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The letter of complaint sent to the head of the Supreme Leader’s representatives in universities, written by the deputy head of the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s works

Dr. Hamid Ansari’s complaint

The letter of complaint sent to the head of the Supreme Leader’s representatives in universities, ...

Dr. Hamid Ansari, who is the deputy head of the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s works, sent a letter, which was made public, to the head of the Supreme Leader’s representatives in universities. This letter was in regards to the publication of false issues and statements regarding Sayyid Hassan Khomeini and officials, who were trusted by Imam Khomeini and are now trusted by his grandson. The letter also complains about the illegal publication of the Imam’s works without the permission of the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s works.

Monday, November 14, 2011 10:22

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