A memoiris by Sadiq Tabatabei
Saturday, February 20, 2021 01:03
Memoirs by well-known Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci about Imam Khomeini
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 03:08
An online and virtual summit on Imam Khomeini's ideals and about the history of Islamic Revolution had been held in Japan.
Saturday, July 25, 2020 03:05
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the struggle to liberate Palestine is an obligation and an Islamic goal, adding “everyone must assist the Palestinian nation in this holy struggle”. He also said thanks to Imam Khomeini's intelligent initiative - to unite Muslims on the issue of Holy Quds and in support of the oppressed people of Palestine.
Friday, May 22, 2020 12:08
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the offer by the United States to help Iran fight the coronavirus outbreak is strange.
Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:23
Imam Khomeini once said in the historic interview that Shah regime committed treason and treacheries to nation in all fields.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 09:00
Observers maintain that Iranian Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini has been a unique and unprecedented phenomenon of this century.The founder of the Islamic Republic established and strengthened the democratic institutions following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Sunday, October 06, 2019 01:28
The historic interview was conducted during Imam Khomeini's stay in exile in Paris suburbs of Neauphle-le-Chateau.
Wednesday, August 07, 2019 10:18