Mourners have gathered at the mausoleum of the founder of the Islamic Republic to mark martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).
Wednesday, July 08, 2015 01:43
Imam Khomeini, the world spiritual leader emphasized that Imam Ali (peace be upon him), the truthful successor of the holy prophet of Islam is the appearance of the absolute justice.
Tuesday, July 07, 2015 11:15
The world spiritual leader used to observe rules of discipline and also advised his devotees and followers to do so.
Saturday, July 04, 2015 02:19
The founder of the Islamic Republic sought to establish very close and amicable ties between the nation and government.
Sunday, June 21, 2015 12:57
The headquarters tasked with holding the 26the heavenly passing away anniversary of Imam Khomeini has thanked the nation and Imam’s truthful followers.
Sunday, June 14, 2015 03:44
The grandson of Imam Khomeini says we must introduce the world the religion based on peace and rationality.
Monday, June 08, 2015 01:01
The founder of the Islamic Republic has founded a comprehensive school of thought which includes all divine, social, cultural and political perspectives.
Thursday, June 04, 2015 01:22
The Iranian Revolution led by Imam was formed upon moderation, Islamic, humane and moral values, Imam’s grandson noted.
Thursday, June 04, 2015 09:20