President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Hassan Rouhani says the Americans did all in their power to bring Iran to its knees, but they failed to achieve that goal thanks to the nation’s strong unity and vigilance.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 01:20

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Iran`s president urges national unity, denounces `amateur` Trump administration

Iran's president urges national unity, denounces 'amateur' Trump administration

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has hailed national unity as key to withstanding hardships amid US-imposed sanctions on the country.

Saturday, August 24, 2019 03:11

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World Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha

World Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha

Millions of Muslims in Iran and many other Muslim countries across the world have started celebrations for the momentous religious occasion of Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), marked in honor of the Islamic imperative of self-abnegation.

Monday, August 12, 2019 01:02

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An examination of the new political concepts according to Imam Khomeini with an emphasis on republicanism of the Islamic system and elections

An examination of the new political concepts according to Imam Khomeini with an emphasis on ...

One of the main bases of that new system is people's vote. His Eminence Imam Khomeini as the main and the one who has theorized and has been the ideologue of the Islamic republic system has had a taintless and from all aspects has supported the pillar of republicanism of the system emphasizing the views of the people and that subject is seen vividly in different cross sections of the 33 years of the Islamic revolution during the time of his leadership and even his rightful successor. And that is one of the decisive answers to those who claim and they have to do with the world new democratic systems and they have consistently accused the Islamic republic system of being one dimensional and they call it reactionary, petrified or dictatorial.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:12

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Hezbollah says Israel not ready for war with Lebanon

Hezbollah says Israel not ready for war with Lebanon

Sheikh Naim Qassem, the deputy secretary general of Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement, has stressed that Israel is not ready for a confrontation with Lebanon.

Monday, February 04, 2019 02:22

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Imam Khomeini`s political and spiritual legacy

Imam Khomeini's political and spiritual legacy

Right from the beginning, Imam Khomeini did not suffice to Iran only and called upon all the Muslim nations to be united against the colonialism of the western powers.

Friday, February 01, 2019 01:29

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Iran`s Rouhani urges national unity against US, allies to solving economic woes

Iran's Rouhani urges national unity against US, allies to solving economic woes

President Hassan Rouhani has called on all Iranians to stay united in the face of threats posed by the United States and its allied reactionary regimes in the region, noting that unity is what will enable the nation to overcome the ongoing tough economic situation caused by the sanctions.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 01:40

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 Europe refutes Trump`s administration plan on Palestine

Europe refutes Trump's administration plan on Palestine

Eight European Union member states have warned that US President Donald Trump’s plan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is yet to be unveiled, will not be successful if it fails to take into account internationally-agreed parameters for peace, namely a two-state solution along the pre-1967 boundaries.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:11

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