Biden nearing 270 votes; Trump launches lawsuits to stop counting

Biden nearing 270 votes; Trump launches lawsuits to stop counting

Democratic US presidential candidate Joe Biden is nearing 270 electoral votes after key victories in Michigan and Wisconsin, while President Donald Trump demanded a recount and threatened legal action.

Thursday, November 05, 2020 08:13

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The transformation the theories of the Islamic unity after the Islamic revolution (with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini`s views and also those of Ayatollah Khamenei)

The transformation the theories of the Islamic unity after the Islamic revolution (with an emphasis ...

This research searches for the influence that the founding of the Islamic and the Shia rule in Iran have had on the Islamic unity theory and that has been put forward by the Shia leaders.

Monday, October 26, 2020 12:40

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Imam Khomeini had strong belief in divine promises

Imam Khomeini had strong belief in divine promises

Imam Khomeini has had a great belief in divine promises. The late founder of the Islamic Republic is the embodiment of the great movement that the people of Iran began and with which they transformed their history.

Sunday, October 25, 2020 11:13

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Imam Khomeini’s speech about Capitulation Law

Imam Khomeini’s speech about Capitulation Law

Imam Khomeini who was concerned for the presence of American, British and Israeli advisors in Iran and their harmful performance became informed of the details of Capitulation right for American militaries some few days after its enactment by National Consultative Assembly.

Saturday, October 24, 2020 03:59

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Iran to host Eurasia econ. meeting with eye on busting sanctions

Iran to host Eurasia econ. meeting with eye on busting sanctions

Iran is to host an economic meeting of Eurasian countries next month as it eyes to strengthen its team-up with the sprawling intercontinental expanse against the United States’ illegal and unilateral sanctions.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 08:00

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Iran scientists ready to counter US bullying concerning use of nuclear energy: AEOI

Iran scientists ready to counter US bullying concerning use of nuclear energy: AEOI

Iran’s top atomic authority says Iranian scientists will confront the United States’ bullying targeting the Islamic Republic’s right to peaceful nuclear energy, asserting that the country will never give up this right in the face of Washington’s one-upmanship.

Thursday, October 15, 2020 04:56

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President Rouhani says Iran entitled to free arms trade in days with UN ban expiry

President Rouhani says Iran entitled to free arms trade in days with UN ban expiry

President Hassan Rouhani says Iran will be free to trade weapons as of Sunday after the United States failed in its attempts to secure an extension of the United Nations arms embargo against the Islamic Republic.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 12:58

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Rouhani: New US sanctions on Iran ‘terrorist, cruel’ effort to prevent medicine, food purchases amid COVID-19

Rouhani: New US sanctions on Iran ‘terrorist, cruel’ effort to prevent medicine, food purchases ...

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says new sanctions imposed by the United States on the Iranian banking sector amount to an effort of a ‘terrorist, cruel and inhumane’ nature aimed at putting major obstacles to fund transfers for the purchase of medicine and food amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Saturday, October 10, 2020 03:37

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