Imam Khomeini was a great thinker with a multi-dimensional personality

Imam Khomeini was a great thinker with a multi-dimensional personality

Iran's Consul General in Mumbai, India, Ahmad Sadeqi said the Late Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini was a great thinker with a multi-dimensional personality who had a full knowledge of various branches of science though his political thoughts that have some governmental and societal applications encompass other concepts of his thoughts.

Saturday, June 02, 2018 10:11

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 Imam Khomeini warned about dangers of Israeli expansionism

Imam Khomeini warned about dangers of Israeli expansionism

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic repeatedly through his historic speeches and messages pointed out the danger of Israeli expansionism..

Tuesday, December 12, 2017 06:55

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Imam Khomeini, not just the leader of one Nation

Imam Khomeini, not just the leader of one Nation

Syed Fakhar Imam, The Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan said: "Leaders such as Imam Khomeini (Mercy of Allah be upon him) are not limited to one country or nation, but they are considered leaders for the entire world".

Thursday, June 08, 2017 12:57

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Imam Khomeini Boosted Palestinian Struggle

Imam Khomeini Boosted Palestinian Struggle

The victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini resulted in the intensification of the Muslims' campaign against the occupation forces of Israel. The announcement of last Friday by the founder of the Islamic Republic took the Palestinian issue on internal level and arenas.

Thursday, July 24, 2014 06:00

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Iranian Nation Resisted Aggression

Iranian Nation Resisted Aggression

The civilized nation of Iran resisted and defended itself under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini against imposed-war launched by the then Iraqi dictator Saddam Hossein and its regional and imperialist backers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013 02:22

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Views about the Global Quds Day

Views about the Global Quds Day

Views about the Global Quds Day

Thursday, August 01, 2013 03:10

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Imam’s Recommendations to the Muslim World

Imam’s Recommendations to the Muslim World

The lack of faith, determination and unity among Muslim nations as well as their ignorance about the great power of being united constitute the major concerns of Imam Khomeini.

Monday, June 03, 2013 12:52

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An Analysis on the Supreme Leader`s Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM Summit

An Analysis on the Supreme Leader's Inaugural Speech Regarding the Foreign Policy at the 16th NAM ...

Imam Khomeini's foreign policy through his movement was not only aligned with the rightful request of independence of the NAM members but was even more seriously seeking for a global unity. The inaugural speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader regarding the foreign policy according to Imam Khomeini's strategies shed the light on the pathat the 16th NAM summit as we try to analyze its dimensions in this article.

Thursday, September 06, 2012 06:38

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