Imam Advised Muslims to Avoid any Interference in Their Country

Imam Advised Muslims to Avoid any Interference in Their Country

All Islamic countries should know that Iran in no way covets their countries. Iran has everything to cater to its population. Iran is not an intractable country, nor does it want to exercise domination over other. Iran has risen up for God and will continue for God.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:07

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Unity and Brotherhood, Following the Brotherhood of the Noble Messenger and Hadrat Ali

Unity and Brotherhood, Following the Brotherhood of the Noble Messenger and Hadrat Ali

These two great personages were together in the unseen worlds; they were united and in martyrdom in this world one is the manifestation of that Absolute Unseen...

Tuesday, April 02, 2013 12:59

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self-Love and Carnal Desires

self-Love and Carnal Desires

Beware of the carnal desires ...

Saturday, March 30, 2013 03:03

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Objective of the prophets: return people to the knowledge of God

Imam's Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of Iranian's New year:

Objective of the prophets: return people to the knowledge of God

I should appreciate the youth and the different classes of people joining the warfronts from across the country for long time...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 02:15

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Spiritual Dimensions of "Eid al Fitr"

Spiritual Dimensions of "Eid al Fitr"

May God make the blessed Eid auspicious for all.

Sunday, August 19, 2012 09:32

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The real objective of fasting is that the humans must learn how to maintain self-control

Ayatollah Mousawi Bojnordi:

The real objective of fasting is that the humans must learn how to maintain self-control

This month-long struggle, triggers purification and will direct us towards perfection.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012 02:42

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The Imam’s 1989 Nowruz Statement

The Imam Invites Iranians to put Behind Carnal Desires

The Imam’s 1989 Nowruz Statement

On the 21st of March 1989, the Imam once again addressed the Iranian nation on Nowruz. In this statement he encouraged Iranians to act like the infallibles and try to put behind their carnal desires in the New Year. He also congratulated the anniversary of the birth of Imam Hussein (as) and the awaited Imam, Imam al-Mehdi (as).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 08:51

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