Saturday, September 30, 2023 10:41
Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:40
Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:16
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 02:27
Imam Khomeini through his theological works and historical messages maintained that Ghadir is the completion of the religion, the perfection of God’s greatest bounty, the most magnificent feast of Allah; it is the feast for the righteous people, followers and supporters of the holy Prophet of Islam.
Wednesday, July 05, 2023 09:43
It is safe to say that without Imam Khomeini, it would have been a different story today. The ideological tremors triggered by this charismatic leader of the Islamic Revolution during his lifetime went beyond the borders of Iran and the Persian Gulf region.
Sunday, June 04, 2023 12:38
Imam Sadiq (PBUH) was the greatest most famous character of his own age in terms of knowledge, jurisprudence, parentage, worship, spiritual state, and ethical virtues.
Monday, May 15, 2023 12:02
Imam Khomeini advised believers and faithful people about always scrutinizing their secret intentions, and strictly taking account of everything in the same manner as one business partner is accountable to the other.
Monday, March 13, 2023 08:02