Imam Khomeini showed great patience and moral excellence during sickness

Imam Khomeini showed great patience and moral excellence during sickness

One of members of Imam Khomeini’s medical team has recalled through a series of memoirs that he was extraordinary kind and showed affection towards doctors and nurses.

Friday, May 31, 2019 05:24

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Tourists visit Imam Khomeini’s residence in Tehran’s neighborhood of Jamaran and the historic city of Khomein

Tourists visit Imam Khomeini’s residence in Tehran’s neighborhood of Jamaran and the historic city ...

Imam Khomeini’s historic residences in Jamaran, and the cities of Qom and Khomeini are visited by domestic and international tourists each year. Thousands of devotees and pilgrims also visited these cultural sites and places this year.

Sunday, March 31, 2019 12:00

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A group of foreign tourists visit Imam Khomeini’s historic residence and Jamaran Art gallery

A group of foreign tourists visit Imam Khomeini’s historic residence and Jamaran Art gallery

A group of foreign tourists visit Imam Khomeini’s historic residence and Jamaran Art gallery where Imam’s works and objects regarding the history of Islamic Revolution are kept.

Thursday, March 28, 2019 12:00

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