Imam led the world oppressed people.

Imam led the world oppressed people.

Maulvi Nasrullah Mansour, the leader of an Islamic movement of Afghanistan

Friday, December 30, 2022 02:57

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Imam Khomeini: Victory and honor upon the Islamic movement of the honorable Iranian women!

Imam Khomeini: Victory and honor upon the Islamic movement of the honorable Iranian women!

Sahifeh- ye- Imam, V 14, P 274

Saturday, December 24, 2022 11:45

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Unity of the Seminary and the university

Unity of the Seminary and the university

Sunday, December 18, 2022 07:28

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Modeling the Decision-making Method of Imam Khomeini for the Officials and Managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Modeling the Decision-making Method of Imam Khomeini for the Officials and Managers of the Islamic ...

In this article a model of Imam khomeini's decision making method has been used for the use of officials and managers of the Islamic republic of Iran. The purpose of which is to grow and promote the Islamic Republic. Also, Imam Khomeini's rational strategies and behavioral patterns have been examined from various perspectives.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 11:17

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Martyr Mostafa Khomeini furthered the objectives of Islamic Revolution

Martyr Mostafa Khomeini furthered the objectives of Islamic Revolution

The mysterious death of Seyyed Mostafa Khomeini, on October 23, 1977, prepared the grounds for a wave of movement by the people.

Sunday, October 23, 2022 10:31

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The Concept of Defense in Imam Khomeini`s Thought.

The Concept of Defense in Imam Khomeini's Thought.

Imam's defense thought has a comprehensive framework, system and generality. Defense according to the ideas of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) is of a divine and humanistic nature. This article in tends to examine the position of defense in the thoughts and biography of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and tries to study and analyze the role of Imam (PBUH) in defending the op pressed Islamic nations.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:43

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