Logical argumentation be considered in debates

He always encouraged his students to think about different subjects in a logical way

ID: 55339 | Date: 2018/09/03

Imam Khomeini was a prominent teacher in seminary. His ability to cross swords and win an argument with other scholars was also exemplary.

He was truly knowledgeable about different branches of Islamic science as we could benefit too much from his precious statements.    

Without exaggeration the students of Imam’s school of thought were and are still among the great mystics of time whose existence glitters the path to the salvation in the dark life of material world.     

The great Imam encouraged his students to continue their studies by reasoning and thinking about different subjects in a logical way and do not rely just to the sayings of a teaching professor.

One of the memorable statements he advised us in this regard was that:  

Do not accept my words out of a sense of obligation. Think, understand and reason about the subjects taught by me. Keep your mind open to debate and discussion and don’t say that we accept it simply because our professor has said it. You need to make use of your own mind!

Narrated by: Ayatollah Abolqasem Khaz'ali

Keeping Pace with the Sunlight, vol. 3, p. 39